More and more Filipinos are becoming conscious of their health and are working harder to get fit. Healthy living is gaining importance today, and individuals are greatly motivated to achieve the health and fitness goals they set for themselves. The road to fitness may be tough and rough, but Coach Jim Saret, renowned founder and training director of MILO R2-APEX (Athletic Performance Enhancement Cross Training) Running School and his nutritionist wife Toni, share that one should not have to be alone in his journey.
Workout time is quality time
For Coaches Jim and Toni, not only do they get to spend quality time together, they also help each other get stronger, fitter and healthier during workout time. “As a couple, my wife and I spend our quality time working out together. Instead of the usual dinner date,our workout dates are more productive and beneficial for the both us,” says Coach Jim. “The bond fostered during physical workouts and dieting together is a lot stronger than just having the typical dinner and movie date,” shares Coach Toni.
Sustaining a fitness program all year long can be quite difficult. Along the way, individuals can suffer from workout fatigue and burnout, and it is through workout partners or groups where one can draw strength from.Sometimes, work or other important things in life force individuals to put their fitness programs on hold, as they get too busy or pre-occupied with other matters. “This really happens to everyone and we have to accept it as a fact of life so that we won’t feel so bad when it happens to us. What’s important is that every time it happens, we should get back up on the horse and start getting back on track again.It also always helps to know that we are not alone with our friends or family cheering us on,” says Coach Jim. “Having Toni with me is awesome as we can be honest with each other about what one needs to do and work on. Since we care a lot about each other, we will definitely try to push each other to be consistent and to work hard every time.”
Fostering a sense of community
Both Coach Jim and Toni are passionate in sharing their knowledge and guidance through the MILO R2-APEX Running School (MARS) Camps. MARS is a program for adults composed of training workouts and sports science-based running principles designed to help them achieve their exercise and fitness goals in an environment where they are together with like-minded people, and supervised by the most qualified coaches in the country. “A lot of people look at exercise as something difficult to do. They know it’s going to be very beneficial for them, but it is going to involve subjecting themselves to doing something hard. Nothing makes doing difficult things easier than doing them with others,” says Coach Jim.“MARS isn’t just a program, it’s a familyof like-minded people who share and work on theirgoals together. Sacrificing other things to attend regularly, sweating, pushing, and motivating each other to complete each workout everyday definitely builds a strong relationship among the participants.
Coach Toni adds that by going through the MARS camp with other people, one can usually get the strength to complete the camp from their fellow participants. “Together, they can motivate, inspire and push each other to persevere and not give up. When they are able to overcome the difficult fitness challenges, they are able to get to know each other better and thus be able to forge a bond,” says Coach Toni.“The more training days they get to accomplish together, the more their bond gets stronger.”
The MILO R2-APEX Running School family celebrates its 10th season
Now on its 10th season, MARS is presently the biggest running camp in the country. The program also offers aqua training and trekking as part of the course for students to experience diverse training methods for enhanced performance in running and other sports. Under the supervision of Coach Jim and Toni, MARS offers a full curriculum that can also benefit different types of sports disciplines.Interested participants can look forward to new challenges as they undergo their training. “Along with my co-trainers, we are always trying to innovate. The most important thing is there’s so much science that needs to be shared and that’s where we come in as part of the MILO R2-APEX Running Team,” shared Coach Jim.“Together with MILO, we aim to reinforce the value of leading a well-balanced lifestyle to all participants. MILO R2, MILO’s 3-in-1 mix variant for adults, perfectly complements our training program. Studies show that drinking milk-chocolate can significantly aid runners in recovery and MILO R2 is a suitable post-workout re-hydration drink that replenishes exhausted muscles and helps bring up energy levels faster.”
Coach Toni again stresses the importance of starting and finishing together in the MARS community. “We are very proud to say that participants in the MARS camps enroll as individuals, but eventually graduate as a family. MARS has the biggest and most number of groups that got forged after each season,” says Coach Toni. “They are also all very participative in our endeavors. Just recently we organized a Memorial Run for one of our fallen coaches. More than a hundred MARSians from Quezon City, BonifacioGlobal City, Alabang and Pasay attended the tribute.”
For many years, MILO has been a life companion on everyday fitness and health. Adults look in to the sport of running as the fastest and most economical way to achieve physical well-being. The MILO R2 APEX (MARS) offers running programs for Filipino adults with world-class team of sports science trainers, running coaches, and physical therapists. With training programs offered twice a year in Bonifacio High Street, Quezon City Memorial Circle, and SM Mall of Asia, participants are able to engage themselves in conditioning workouts, running drills, and recovery and injury rehabilitation to fulfill an active and a well-rounded lifestyle.
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**Press Release from Milo Philippines