Hello Sweeties!
Growing up my household task or rather my preferred task has always been doing the dishes as opposed to cooking which my Mom does with a lot of flare. When I was 8 years old my Mom and I agreed that whenever school was out and I found her in the kitchen cooking for us, I would be her assistance and help out while she cooks by cleaning up the sink of the used utensils and pans. In a way it was a form of bonding for us. Now I find washing the dishes soothing, there is something about seeing dishes getting squeaky clean after being filled with great dishes.
Now that I am a Mom myself, I started getting my kids to help out in the kitchen thru washing dishes at an early age, like what my mom did to me. They do complain off and on because like me their hands get super dry and my daughter would finds herself with peeling hands. Ay karamba! Teen years are such a sensitive time for them I don’t want my daughter ending up “unloved” because she did not creamy soft hands.
It is a good thing I was giving samples of Bubble Man Dishwashing Liquid to try out.
Bubble Man Dishwashing Liquid is a described as highly effective kitchen, kitchen cleaner and degreaser, you can use it on almost all surfaces (plastics, metal surfaces, ceramics etc). It is
non-flammable & non-toxic.
Some of the great things about Bubble Man:
- environment friendly because 97+% of the chemicals used are BIODEGRADABLE.
- The ingredients are free of sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide is used to balance pH of the formulation, however it causes irritability for your hands and extreme dryness. Sodium hydroxide is used usually for cheaper chemicals
- Phosphate-free formula. STPP(Sodium tripolyphosphate) is a cheaper chemical but is banned in many countries because of its harmful effects to our environment.
- Long-lasting bubbles help reduce the need to put a lot of the product into the sponge.
I rarely supervise dishwashing anymore but my son has been having problems with rising the bubbles off the glasses leaving the yucky taste. I am glad that Bubble Man is easy to rinse, and it is safe to use on baby bottles because there is no soapy residue.
My daughter has skin asthma and prolonged exposure in water leaves her skin dry and peeling. Bubble Man is gentle on the hands, it does not remove natural oils from her skin hence no irritation and dryness compared to other dishwashing liquids.
Smells really good but the smell doesn’t stay on them. Plates and utensils end up smelling fresh and clean, not to mention her hands are soft and fragrant after. Solve!
Besides using the product on plates. I found that it is also effective to use on the bathroom floor,- gentler on the cleaner’s hands not to mention no harsh chemical smell while cleaning, thus saving our health as well as the environment – Our Mother Earth! I also use it on our windows and one time on my son`s shirt that had the large oil spot where he spilled pasta sauce on.
As a Mom of two teenagers I am glad that there is Bubble Man Dishwashing Liquid All Around Cleaning Solution. I rarely get any complaints from the kids anymore when they are asked to do the dishes with Bubble Man around. Kids need to learn responsibility but it does not have to be a such chore.
Bubble Man is available in all leading supermarkets nation wide.
Until next time!
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