Hello Sweeties!
Ajinomoto has always been a staple in my kitchen. Ever since I was a young girl, my Mom who is a Nutritionist/Dietician for the Sampagita Stars back in the 50s always had a jar of Ajinomoto handy to season our meals. She explained that whenever she sprinkles it over the dishes she prepares/creates, she feels she is sprinkling her love because it makes the most ordinary dish “savory” and delicious.
I was very excited to attend a Press Conference hosted one of my family`s well loved brand. Dubbed as “AjiPanda Best Day Ever!”. The event highlighted the launch of the AjiPanda icon, information sharing on umami and monosodium glutamate (MSG) and the contract renewal of Teen Queen Kathryn Bernardo as the brand endorser of AJI-NO-MOTO Umani Seasoning.
Want to know more about this event? Read on!
One of the things I enjoys about this event is the forum with the experts. There is so much more to Umami that meets the eye.
Ronan Co, Ajinomoto`s Marketing Department Head, explains “AjiPanda” personifies a humble pack or bottle of AJI-NO-MOTO Umami Seasoning as the ever-reliable way of bringing out the natural deliciousness of food. AjiPanda fills the role of `your Best Friend in the Kitchen` helping your work wonders in your cooking so that you can share many happy meals with your family.

Dr. Frances Tan, a medical doctor with specialization in General Pediatrics, and a subspecialty in Allergy and Immunology
Dr. Frances Tan, a medical doctor with specialization in General Pediatrics, and a subspecialty in Allergy and Immunology, gave an informative talk to about the basic facts about umami and monosodium glutamate. She explained that umami is the 5th basic taste that allows people to enjoy the delicious taste in food. It is also described as savory or “malinamnam”. The source of this umami taste is glutamate. Glutamate is a non-essential amino acid that naturally occurs in food like tomatoes and cheese and can be found in salt form through monosodium glutamate.
Scientific evidences from credible institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO), The United Nations`s Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (UN JECFA), were presented to affirm the safety of MSG for general consumption. Dr. Celeste Tanchoco, a veteran in the field of nutrition, was also present to shed light about the role of glutamate in nutrition. They also cleared up a lot of misconceptions about MSG.
To cap the event is the contract renewal of Teen Queen Kathryn Bernardo’s contract renewal with the Ajinomoto brand.

Kathryn renews her support for Ajinomoto, she has been part of the AJI-NO-MOTO Family for the past 4 years.
Ms. Kathryn Bernardo graced the event for her contract renewal as brand endorser of AJI-NO-MOTO. According to Kathryn, she finds cooking for her family very rewarding. She would love for the new generation of cooks to experience the joys of home cooking with her new best friend in the kitchen – AjiPanda.
I have fond memories of Ajinomoto. Every “tak-tak-tak” reminds me of my Mother’s kitchen how each and every dish is served with love. I am glad then and now Ajinomoto thru their AjiPanda Logo is able to reach out to new genration cooks, chef and foodies. Imparting the same Ajinomoto taste and umami goodness I know and love.
For updates check their website : http://ajinomoto.com.ph/
Until next time !