The Grand Ticket priced at P100 for the one day admission, Ticket design by Hulyen You can get a 2 day ticket for P150.
Hello Sweeties,
Last week my son and I went to one of our pilgrimages, it involves one of my passions which is Komiks. This year only Jarod and I attended since Raffy was busy with her University studies. We arrived very early since we only ever spend 1/2 a day at the Komikon anyway. This post is really about my haul and what I have read so far.
Please bear with this photo heavy post.
The first booth I went to was the Anino/ Adarna Booth.

Lire by Magtira Paolo, finished this and I found that the truth in this piece is so tangible I was in tears after reading it.

Ako ang Bayan written by PD Guinto and illustrated by Manix Abrera Short but very very hopeful book that talks about the hero in all of us.

Manix Abrera’s 14th book, it came in two covers. I have not read this yet

Janus Silang comics, I know there are 2 books and this comics so far about Janus Silang, I am saving this book for last so I have not gotten around to reading it.
For more of the Komik haul, click the link.