Well packed box
Hello Sweeties,
Last October 2018 as I was browsing IG, I happened to find komiksfanboy posting about the new Ella Archangel 2nd book. I really enjoyed the first one and I wanted to get the next one ASAP, I was also uncertain if I was going to the Komikon this year so I decided to get the H3ClubBox from Haliya and Merstore.com.

As you open the box you find this Ella Arcangel Button, too cute.

Personal letter of thanks
Check out my unboxing of the HClubBox 3:
Take a closer look at the contents of the H Club Box 3

The reason why I bought the box, of course this is what I read as soon as I got it. I will give a short review in IG. But let us just say that it spoke of what the situation in the country.

Signed copy, from Julius and Mervin which is one of the perks when you get the box.

UGH, curious story about this book is that I never got it when I went to events. I had re-read Kabuanan an anthology from Haliya to remember that they also publish Helen’s work. In the end I did go to the Komikon2018 and I spoke to Mervin to ask if UGH is part of the HClub Box 3, and he said if I wanted it in the box he can arrange it for me. So in the end my H3 Box was customised he he he.

The Friend Zone, I still have not gotten around to reading this book although it is pretty short and coloured too.

This copy is signed too.

Beautiful posters. Subersibo and Tabi-tabi Po I already have both books, I kept these posters in the box. I have no gotten around to clearing my library.

This cat made my day. The very first item I took out when I opened the box. Handmade and authentic, it comes with papers! My husband saw this displayed on my bedside table and I wondered why it had only one eye. Which lead to a whole conversation and re-Reading of the books. Which made it so fun!

Book marks, bag tag, buttons and stickers

post cards and character cards

Elias Shirt is my favorite shirt and a lot of people have been asking me where I got it.

mervstore.com logo.
I have to say that I wrote this post a few days after I got my box, I have not gotten around to posting it and now I am waiting for my 2nd HClubBox their anniversary box. Will be positing about it then since I decided to have a curated box and requested some of the items specifically for that box.
Until next time,