Dragon Product Review: Typing in Pink, A Review of Logitech K380 Wireless Keyboard + Accessories

Multi-Device Logitech K380 Wireless Keyboard


Hello Sweeties,

Although my Macbook Pro has it’s own keyboard and mind you, it is working perfectly. I felt the need to get another keyboard to supplement it since I bought the laptop stand, I was having a hard time typing while the keyboard it is tilted.

I looked into the possibility of getting another keyboard that has the functions similar to my Mac but also compacts and comes in an attractive color.

Yes. let us admit, color is also a factor when we purchase anything we will make use of in the long run.

Pink, well it looks more like nude but the box says it’s pink

You can see that the keys are round and because of it’s size, the keys are closer together. I have small hands making it easier for me to type. The keys are placed the same way as my Macbook keyboard, so I did not have that much of an adjustment when it came to typing.

View from the back, it has rubber grips on all sides so no slips when typing

K380 Logitech comes with two AAA batteries that they say would last 2 months with normal use

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Working in Pink: The Dragon Work From Home Gear

My work from home set-up

Hello Sweeties, 

It has been 6 months give or take since I posted anything, apologies.  I have been too busy with my work that I rarely got time to work on other things.  I am fortunate enough that I can do part of my work online, although I miss my broadcast board work and the people I work with a lot. This is the reality we have to work with now.

My children often say that I have the attention span of a teaspoon (similar to Ron Weasley) This is partly true. I get bored easily. Aside from work I have started falling for Animal Crossing, a Nintendo Switch game and the color PINK.  I will write about my love for Animal Crossing in a separate post for now, indulge me with my new love for Pink.

I just turned 50 this year. A golden year for my generation and then bam! COVID happened. We are all locked up inside the house.  CABIN FEVER !

I did not really intended for everything to match but it ended up that way…

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