Press Release: The Many Health Benefits of Love


Are you in love and in a healthy romantic relationship with someone? If yes, consider yourself blessed! Beyond the obvious advantage of having a date for Valentine’s Day, love can also do wonders for your physical, emotional and mental health.

“Apart from keeping you inspired, love can also help you live longer in many ways. The list of its health perks includes lowering your stress hormones, boosting your immune system and preventing you from developing many diseases, like depression and heart disease,” says Dr. Nicky Montoya, president of MediCard Philippines.

Love can lower your risk for many diseases. When you’re in a healthy and intimate relationship with someone, you experience less stress, which in turn improves your cardiovascular health. Various studies also reveal that people in a committed and long-term relationship live longer than their single counterparts. Additionally, they experience fewer heart attacks, have lower cancer rates, and get pneumonia less frequently. Men in particular are more likely to give up smoking and alcohol abuse when they marry.

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Press Release: Pharex launches new 15-day Compliance Pouch to beat high cholesterol this 2016


With one in every three Filipinos having high cholesterol levels, how could they control its onset without sacrificing what this year has to offer—on the table?

A study on cholesterol levels among Filipinos led by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute revealed that 31.4 percent of Filipino adults 20 years old and over had “borderline high to high cholesterol levels.” Now that the New Year is here, it is often challenging to control huge consumptions of food—particularly those that are rich in cholesterol—knowing that annual festivities and birthday celebrations are here left and right.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in fats in the blood. Though cholesterol is needed by the body because it is essential to building healthy cells, too much of it could increase a person’s chance of having cardiovascular disease.

“Some people make it a point to reduce their consumption of cholesterol-rich foods especially now that another year has been capped off,” said Tomas Luke Marcelo Agana III, president and CEO of Pharex HealthCorp. “But enjoying what the New Year brings need not come at the expense of sacrificing your year-long joy and family bondings especially when stories are better shared on the table.”

Bearing that in mind, Pharex HealthCorp.—the most prescribed generic brand of medicines—introduces its 15-day Pharex Compliance Pouch for Cholesterol to help Filipino adults who are prone to high cholesterol adhere to their medication without compromising their plans this 2016.

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