Dragon Chatter Meets the Artists Behind the Brushstrokes as SM The Block Exhibits Chan Lim Family Plates and Scrolls

Hello Sweeties!

I was feeling a bit down last Sunday, since my husband left for another year of toll in Saudi Arabia. Although he left, he encouraged me to go to an event to keep me busy, I was privileged enough to get an invitation to the tour of the  exquisite exhibit of Plates and Scrolls by the Chan Lim Family of Artists and Students at The Block Atrium. the actual exhibit is open to the public until February 12, but on that Sunday they had 37 out of the 43 artists and students to reveal the stories behind the art works.

The exhibit, which kicked off on January 15 at The Block’s Atrium, features over 100 beautifully designed hand-painted scrolls and 144 plates from Chan Lim Family of Artists and Students.

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