Dragon Beauty Review: Feel and Smell like a Baby via Belo Baby 

Belo baby

Hello Sweeties!

Every since I was a young girl, I always selected mild soaps to use on my skin. When I finally had a family of my own, It seems the habit stuck. When picking soap, bath soaps and scents to use I navigate towards the infant section in search of  products.

This year Belo, one of the Pinoy own skin care specialist came up with their own brand of Baby friendly skincare products. About time I say.

Belo Baby 3

I got these products off  Sampleroomph. Although I have no babies to test them on I feel that my teenagers are close enough.  Both are pretty active and have sensitive skin, seeing that puberty is a hard bridge to cross. It would be best for them to use mild and gentle products on their skin.

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Event: Stop Greying Hair with Grey Away Anti-Greying Treatment

Greyaway launch

I have been plagued with white hair ever since I turned 40. I know I know I a still one of the lucky ones since I know a girl in my hight school as young as 14 who had whites in her hair.

The greying of the hair, after all, is a sign of aging – and you like most people want to look youthful.

Looking and being old – through it has some advantages. My vanity would not permit me to age all too soon. That is why, when I was told that there is this new breakthrough product that would bring back my original hair color. I jumped at the chance to witness it`s launching.

Want to know more about this product that promises to bring back the black? Read on!

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