Hello Sweeties,
A lot has happened to me and to my family the last month of 2015. I have to admit it has been a trying tail end of the year. I plow on… I carry on and like everyone I survived.
I am not one who believes in new year resolutions. Maybe because I can never follow it to the letter and I tend to carry over the list the following year. You know how tiring it is, to rewrite your resolutions every year…the same thing. It is quiet embarrassing. So for the past couple of years I started with my word for the YEAR.
Kate Alvarez, one of the amazing women of bdjbox.com and editor of the Belle de Jour Power Planner wrote a very nice article about this. You can read it here. In essence, instead of making a list and checking it twice but not following the promises in the said list, it is best to pick/select an empowering word to live by for the entire year.
This year I choose COMMITMENT. For some reason I always go with some fad or the other… like Calligraphy or water coloring and set it aside. I am not much of a multitasker. I have a short attention span and my daughter says that I am such a kid sometimes… she often says this to me with a straight face. I have a tendency to get overwhelmed, sometimes I get bored must of the time I forget. Yeah, the attention span of a 3 year old.

Now part of my 2016 Everyday: BDJ Power Planner, BDJ Quest Journal and CBTL Giving Journal
Because of my uber short attention span, I need keep everything written down to remind me of my everyday… as a reporter, as a blogger and as Mommy.
My brain is like a cesspool…. so unorganized. Hence the need to have everything written down so I can go back to it. Similar to the character of Dory in Finding Nemo, I need a constant reminder, repeating everything over and over so I’d remember. Tsk… and you know that does not always work. I need to keep something on hand so I can run my life without any major hiccups. Schedule everything before hand, so none of the important events overlap.
Want to know how I keep my life on track? Read on!