I always have a soft spot for unique and funky items. The stranger the item, the more interesting it is in my eyes. I know a lot of my contemporaries have similar opinion.
That is one reason I found Geeking Tom Shirts with their original fandom inspired shirts awesome.
Founded on July 2013, a group of obsessive nerds that love cool shirts based on pop-culture decided to make their own brand and show off their love for all things geek – Geeking Tom was born. Their tagline is, “Level-up your t-shirt game” because the goal is to stop t-shirt mediocrity and promote originality.
Geeking Tom is all about being proud and showing off things that (they/we) geeks love – comics, games, fandoms and more – through awesome shirts. The shirts are 100% cotton, thick and durable, yet comfortable to wear. The designs are screen-printed to ensure the best quality for every shirt printed.
Wanna see a sample of their shirts? Read on!