Feel Sexy and Energetic mySlim with Yerba Mate


“The Philippines’ dietary supplement of choice: mySlim with Yerba Mate”

Hello Sweeties!

Since 2016 started I have been conscious of the state of my health.  I am aware of my lapse and now trying to correct my bad habits.

Aside from the proper exercise and healthy diet. An effective diet supplement would really help me in my path to a healthier me.

These days dietary supplements come in different variants and forms like tablets, capsules, drinks and energy bars. It has become really confusing to pick and choose which ones will give us the best and more importantly the safest results.

Then of course I saw this ad with FHM hot Mama Jennlyn Mercado about mySlim with Yerba Mate.  I was impressed.

Want to know more about my Slim with Yerba Mate? Read on!


mySlim is the first slimming and detox drink clinically proven to promote safe weight loss for its special Yerba Mate formulation.  It doesn’t only help you to lose excess pounds but it helps get rid of toxins in your body.

For the curious about Yerba Mate. It was first discovered in Brazil and was then used for tea. Over the centuries since its discovery, clinical studies and research proved that it is also an effective weight loss component.

Yerba Mate reduces fat without shedding lean muscle mass and only burns unwanted fat, making you fit and healthy.

So, why is lean muscle mass important?

According to health site  livestong.com.

Building lean muscle mass helps you burn calories efficiently and helps you lose weight. It also helps protect your joints from injuries. And best of all it makes you stronger so you’ll have more stamina when you perform physical activities. Strong, toned muscles also enhance your appearance, boost your self-esteem and make you feel better overall.  Winner!

Aside from Yerba Mate, mySlim is also packed with Palatinose which helps you become more energetic for longer periods of time.  It also has Carnipure which helps minimize the feeling of being hungry. I need this because seriously even after eating a full meal I keep wanting to eat an entire pint of pistachio ice cream shortly after.  With the help of mySlim, I can stop my untimely craving.

jen myslim

mySlim’s new brand ambassador, Jennylyn Mercado was chosen as the perfect image of strength and value for one’s constant improvement – both of which are mySlim’s brand philosophy

I think mySlim would be a great addition to your fitness and wellness routine coz it doesn’t only help you trim down but also helps you detox!

For a sexier and more energetic you for 2016. Try mySlim yourself .  It is available in all leading Drugstores Nationwide!


mySlim was developed by Vida Nutriscience Incorporated, one of the leading health and wellness products provider in the market and the country’s go-to provider of safe, novel and ethical health and wellness products.

To know more about mySlim,

visit www.vidanutriscience.com
facebook: myslimPH
Instagram and twitter: myslimdetox

Until next time!


signature joeydragonlady

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