Event: J.CO Launches their all new premium Affogato Series at the new concept store SM East Ortigas

J.CO Coffee and Donuts newest concept store locates at SM East Artigas Branch

Hello Sweeties!

My kids and I have always been fans of J.CO Donuts and Coffee, when it first opened I would brave the long cue after work just to bring home 2 dozen boxes of my Jarod’s favorite Al Capone.

Summers are long and hot. My kids were getting very bored, and were looking for new snacks. Fortunately, J.CO Donuts is offering its new Affogato series to help beat the heat and boredom  in the most delectable way possible.

For the curious,  the affogato is an Italian coffee based dessert, a traditional adffogato usually takes the form of a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream topped or “drowned” with a shot of hot espresso.

Team J.CO built on the  Affogato concept and came up with three different cooler variants to cater to three discerning taste of their fans. Using beans sourced from the Sumatra and Sulawesi regions in Indonesia, each cup ensures quality, delicious flavor, and intense strength.

I braved the traffic of Ortigas extension to attend the launch of the premium Affogato Series at J.CO’s newest concept store.

Wanna find out more? Read on!

J.CO opened  its spanking new lifestyle café concept store in SM East Ortigas. This is their 44th store in the Philippines.  Feel at home and melt away your stress and the summer heat on their cozy and inviting furniture. Whether you’re with your family, a friend, or the entire barkada, you’ll surely have a nice, intimate time with them as J.CO invites you to sit together, have a sip of their coffee and gorge on their donuts as you survey the simplistic urban aesthetic that surrounds you.

Foodies and Bloggers got to see first hand how the new Adffogato Series is created c/o the J.CO Team drink specialist,

Guest participate in fun and games.

There were also a lot of games, like create first hand  your own Affogato Variant, and pin Affogato Recipe which my group won! Yay! and of course an instagram contents  that will give the winner an entire year’s supply of J.Coffee. Sweet!

Check out the 2 new thirst quenchers in the J.CO Coffee’s Affogato Series, there will definitely be one (or all variant) that would suit our taste.

Iced Cafe Avocado Affogato

The rich and creamy flavors in the Avocado Affogato blend just as well as they rhyme! J.CO has blended the smooth and creamy taste of avocado with its premium coffee blend and topped it off with a scoop of luscious chocolate ice cream which all come together to form a harmonious combination of distinct flavors.

Iced Jcoccino Affogato

A rich, buttery scoop of milk chocolate ice cream makes this crowd favorite extra creamy. Definitely a must-try for any coffee enthusiast looking to get a quick cooling caffeine fix.

Iced Chocolate Affogato

You can never have too much of a good thing. Case in point: the chocolatey goodness of the Iced Chocolate Affogato, which is a sweet serving of chocolate milk topped with a heaping scoop of chocolate ice cream. Definitely a chocolate lover’s dream realized and made available in a cup.

Took home these wonderful treats for my beasties

I am so happy I got to have first dibs on the delicious , J.CO’s Affogato series.  My taste buds and tummy is definitely happy. It is a refreshing addition to the J.CO menu.  What are you waiting for? Grab a dozen of J.CO’s signature donuts to go with your Adffogato drink and have a moment of pure bliss.

The Affogato series is available in including their new lifestyle cafe concept store.

Follow their Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/J.COPhils/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jcodonutsph/

Until next time


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