Event: evian Natural Mineral Water Launches their brand New Look


Hello Sweeties!

One busy Sunday, I braved the crowd at Landmark Makati to attend the evian Prestige Launch, they were introducing the new face of the famed water from the French Alps evian.

evian is a brand of mineral water coming from several sources near Évian-les-Bains, on the south shore of Lake Geneva.

In popular culture, Evian is portrayed as a luxury and expensive bottled water. It was named in Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. It is popular among Hollywood celebrities. The brand frequently collaborates with high-fashion designers for a series of limited edition bottles.

evian now has a brand new look and logo.

Evian purity ph 2

Evian`s new bottle design is simpler, the bottle I think is sturdier than their past bottles

Evian Poster

Join the evian, spa, Japan!

Along with the launch of their new bottle and logo evian came out with this promo.  You need to purchase a bottle of evian Natural Mineral Water with the new packaging. Take a photo with the bottle, be creative! post the pix on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #evianPurityPH. Remember to keep the receipt of the evian bottle you purchased! The contest is up to July 15, 2016.

You can win a trip to Japan, Staycation and Spa Experience and other consolation prizes.

evianpurityph family

Fun for the whole family! This family was the first to join the promotion at Landmark Makati Grocery Area

evianpurity launch 1

I could`t pass the opportunity to join in

evian Natural Mineral Water, still as pure as nature intended.

Until next time!


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