Event: BDJBox X L`Oreal Paris Philippines Beauty Soiree What a Great Start to 2016


Perfect venue for the BDJXLOREALParisPH Workshop Blackboard by Chef Michel

Hello Sweeties!

It has been a while since I attended an event hosted by BDJBox . I was very happy to have gotten an invitation for their very first Beauty Soiree and this is an exclusive partnership with L`Oreal Paris Philippines.

The workshop is aptly called Kickstart your New Look with L`Oreal Paris. The workshop is exclusive for the lucky ladies who got the December BDJBox L`Oreal Paris and the lucky few who were won various contest like myself c/o Kate Alvarez.  It`s divided into two parts. The first part focuses on hair which is of one of L`Oreal Paris` specialty and the last part on styling and make-up.  Such a great way to start the year, with a new look and a new perspective.

Want to know more about this workshop? Read on!

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Event: Stop Greying Hair with Grey Away Anti-Greying Treatment

Greyaway launch

I have been plagued with white hair ever since I turned 40. I know I know I a still one of the lucky ones since I know a girl in my hight school as young as 14 who had whites in her hair.

The greying of the hair, after all, is a sign of aging – and you like most people want to look youthful.

Looking and being old – through it has some advantages. My vanity would not permit me to age all too soon. That is why, when I was told that there is this new breakthrough product that would bring back my original hair color. I jumped at the chance to witness it`s launching.

Want to know more about this product that promises to bring back the black? Read on!

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